Integrated Cryptographic Key and Certificate Management Solution
This solution is a product for integrated management of cryptographic keys throughout its lifecycle from creation to destruction complying with the domestic and international standards, thereby guaranteeing interoperability with the solutions from MDS Intelligence and other companies.

Product Composition

Before NeoKeyManager

After NeoKeyManager

Main Features

Key Life cycle Management

In order to maintain confidentiality of encrypted data, there is a need to store and manage the cryptographic keys in a secure and separate location from the encryted data.
* NeoKeyManager has inherited HancomSecure Inc.'s XecureKeyManager.



 MDS Intelligence Inc.

 13487 9Fl. 17, Pangyo-ro 228beon-gil, Bundang-guSeongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

 TEL: +82-31-601-4006   FAX: +82-31-601-4013

 Copyright©MDS Intelligence Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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